Sunday, December 27, 2009

Social Networking as a Job-Search Tool Tweet with Care

Published: December 13, 2009
By John Challenger

As the nation’s jobseekers attempt to find any advantage in a tight job market, more and more are flocking to social-networking sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to stand out from the crowd. However, while these sites have the potential to revolutionize the job search, they could also backfire on those who rely too heavily on them or misuse them, warns one employment authority. The job search has changed radically over the last two decades with the advent of electronic mail, the Internet, social networking, smart phones, etc. It is important to remember, though, that all of these technologies simply enhance the job search; they will never replace the face-to-face connections that are critical to getting hired.

Essential for an Effective Search

That being said, we feel that these new networking tools are essential and now advise all of the jobseekers going through our outplacement program at Challenger, Gray & Christmas to open LinkedIn accounts and to consider other services such as Facebook and Twitter. Of course, many of those going through our program are already among the millions who have signed up on social-networking sites in recent years.

The number of Americans engaged in networking online has grown exponentially in the last five years. It is now estimated that 51 percent of adult Web users in the US utilize social sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn, according to a recent survey by Forrester Research – more than double the 25 percent who reported using networking sites in 2007.

One reason the number of social networkers is on the rise is due to increased interest among business professionals. In fact, the most rapidly growing age group represented on Facebook is the 35-and-older population.

A study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project reveals that 19 percent of Internet users are sharing personal and business updates on Twitter or other status-update services, up from 11 percent earlier this year.

Schmooze with Ease

Social networking is an easy way for jobseekers to build their network by reaching out to former colleagues and classmates, as well as fellow alumni and industry professionals. Jobseekers can then use their networks to uncover available positions and to establish relationships with hiring managers or contacts who can give them a recommendation.

Just a few years ago, job hunters’ only search tools were newspapers and cold calls. Now, technology serves to instantly connect them with employers, recruiters and job leads.

Recruiters Becoming Regulars

Jobseekers are not the only ones taking advantage of these new tools. Employers are also jumping on the social-networking bandwagon. A recent survey by Jobvite found that 80 percent of companies who responded use or are planning to use social networking sites to fill vacant positions. While LinkedIn is still the most popular site used by employers, Facebook and Twitter are gaining ground. The use of Facebook has grown from 36 percent of recruiters in 2008 to 59 percent in 2009, while Twitter is currently being used by 42 percent of recruiters.

Social networking should be used cautiously, however. As these sites become increasingly intertwined, it will becomes easier and easier for potential employers to access the more personal aspects of jobseekers’ lives.

Status updates on Facebook can now be sent automatically to Twitter followers. A similar cross-service update was recently initiated between Twitter and LinkedIn. The complication is that people tend to use these services in different ways, and these ways are not always compatible with the job search.

In fact, a jobseeker is twice as likely to be eliminated from consideration than to be hired based on his or her social networking site content, according to a survey of human resources professionals by In the survey, 35 percent of respondents said they ceased consideration of an applicant due to a social networking gaffe, with reasons ranging from provocative/inappropriate photographs and information, to candidates having poor communication skills. Only 18 percent said they offered a position to a prospective employee due to social networking research, attributing that decision to seeing the candidate as a good fit for the company or the candidate’s site conveying a professional image.

Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the Internet is the permanency and pervasiveness of any and all information that finds its way there. Comments on a friend’s blog, reviews on consumer sites and inside jokes made for a private audience on a social networking site’s public group page are all available at the click of a mouse to potential employers.

The other danger is that many jobseekers tend to let the Internet become their primary, if not sole, job-search tool. It is too easy simply to sit in front of one’s computer all day, scanning job boards and expanding one’s virtual network through LinkedIn. However, these online connections are superficial at best. It takes a lot more work to turn them into meaningful relationships that can advance your job search. In the end, face-to-face meetings are still the most effective relationship-building tool available.


5 Ways to Use Twitter in Your Job Search

1. Follow and read job-search experts. The number of excellent ideas, tips, leads, news items, informative articles, and best practices going by all day long is amazing. Use Twellow’s directory for Employment > Career > Job Search to find excellent people to follow. You’ll find outstanding advice that applies to your situation . . . Guaranteed.

2. Search for posted positions. Use Twitter’s search function to look for #jobs, or TwitterJobSearch to find a wealth of open positions that aren’t necessarily posted on job boards or company sites. Also search #splits for positions that recruiters use to split open searches with other recruiters. New positions are posted with excellent companies, large and small, every minute of every day. Get them in real time, early, and often.

3. Follow and read people in your field or industry. Industry chatter is incredible. News items, rumors, and trends get discussed daily. You can become much better versed in your field by ‘listening’. It can provide you with new and valuable information that can make you a better candidate in the interview process. Use Twellow to find appropriate people to follow.

4. Engage! Get in conversations with people. Ask questions, offer help, ReTweet (re-post) good information you see. Make sure to proofread everything you Tweet, and keep everything professional. Offering opinions about politics (unless you’re looking for a job in politics), or talking about your weekend at the bar will alienate half the people you want to connect to. Don’t sound discouraged or be a spreader of bad news. Keep your conversations focused on your area of expertise, or job search topics, and keep them positive.

5. Connect with people at your target companies. Many companies have an official presence on Twitter and post positions. There are also obviously many people on Twitter on their own that work at companies you many have an interest in. Professionally, ask questions, ask for referrals, offer information, and seek advice.

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